我们的活动旨在吸引员工并建立专业的工作环境,创造人类身份和文化 Western Pacific Group


12 4月 2024
UPDATE ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE WESTERN PACIFIC VICTORIA LOGISTICS CENTER - AUSTRALIA During her business trip to Australia, the Chairwoman of Western Pacific Group took the time to work and receive reports on the operations of the Western Pacific Victoria e-commerce warehouse.
4 4月 2024
WESTERN PACIFIC GROUP SECURES ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL DEAL AT YEN PHONG II-A INDUSTRIAL PARK On the afternoon of April 4th, Western Pacific Group successfully handed over the CN4B-1 land lot to Jie Yang Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
1 4月 2024
WPG-ERS EXCITEDLY PARTICIPATE IN BRITCHAM VIETNAM'S CHARITY FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT The Western Pacific Group team competed enthusiastically against teams from PwC, ISPH, UNIS,...on March 31.
19 3月 2024
CHAIRWOMAN OF WESTERN PACIFIC GROUP PARTICIPATES AS A SPEAKER AT THE NATIONAL JOURNALISM FORUM 2024 Ms. Pham Thi Bich Hue - Chairwoman of Western Pacific Group, along with representatives from businesses and experts in the field attended the 2024 National Journalism Forum.


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