我们的活动旨在吸引员工并建立专业的工作环境,创造人类身份和文化 Western Pacific Group


2 11月 2023
FOLLOWING WESTERN PACIFIC-ERS IN REGULAR HEALTH CHECK-UPS This year, Western Pacific Group has chosen to collaborate with Vinmec Hospital System to organize a comprehensive health check-up program for employees in both the North and South regions in October.
29 10月 2023
WESTERN PACIFIC-ERS' BOOK CORNER The Western Pacific Group leadership has established the "WPG Bookshelf" to create an environment for book enthusiasts and promote a reading culture.
20 10月 2023
OCTOBER 20TH AT WESTERN PACIFIC GROUP The ladies of Western Pacific Group had a day filled with blossoms and endless joy. Join us in admiring the beautiful images of our wonderful women on Vietnamese Women's Day, October 20th!
11 10月 2023
WESTERN PACIFIC GROUP PARTICIPATES IN MEETING WITH THE PRIME MINISTER AND CABINET MEMBERS In the afternoon of October 11, under the leadership of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, a meeting between the Permanent Government and representatives of Vietnamese business leaders took place at the Government's headquarters.


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